Sunday, September 28, 2008


1) Project Name: Course Selection, CGPA and Career

Team Name: Miners

Team Number: 5

Team Members: Mahesh Chayel, Preet Pillai, Ravi Dilip Kumar, Ashish Kumar Vijan

2) The Problem Statement: How does Course Selection affect CGPA of a student. Does CGPA have a bearing on placement, career and success of a person.

3) Data Source: Extract from PGP Office, Alumni Cell.

4) The Benefit / Utility: The current batch and future students of IIM Calcutta will be the main beneficiaries. The students will be able to choose the courses based upon the CGPAs also in mind while selecting a particular course. We are also planning to look into the previous data and see if the selection of a particular course improved or made the CGPA worse. The other benefits include the possibility of finding relation between the career and the path taken by previous IIMC students based upon the CGPA they had. If we can find clusters of in data, we can also show that a particular set of CGPAs have a certain leaning towards a particular sector in placements.

5) Expected Outcomes: The findings can vary a lot but we think that there will be some correlation between high CGPAs and placements, but we are not sure to what level and above what level. There is also a chance that we can show that taking up a particular course improves the CGPA of students.

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